Saturday 16 July 2011

The Journey Back


20th June – Paryang

Our Driver
We made a leisurely start after breakfast and headed towards Paryang. The road being world class, we made the 277 km in less than 3.5 hours. The lunch was at the lodge at Paryang. Thereafter we were free for the remaining day. After the strenuous trek, it seemed like years since we had time for a nap after lunch.

We lazed around in the evening sharing with each other our experiences during the Yatra. Now that we were out of the Kailash kshetra, our mindset had changed. We just wanted to get out of the place and make it back home as early as possible. The free time at Paryang seemed like time wasted.  The next day we were to cover 460km, we had an early dinner and went to sleep.
Deer herd seen on the way back




21st June – Nyalam

We started off pre-dawn with packed breakfast. The drive to Saga was beautiful. We stopped on the bank of the Brahmaputra just after crossing Saga for a photo session. Thereafter we continued on to the no-roads section.
China is constructing roads in this region on a war footing. While going towards Manasarovar we had seen a stretch of about 50 Km where a road was being laid. Ten days later on our way back we drove on that newly constructed road!
We crossed Lalung La pass, the highest point of driving, and stopped again for some photos.
Driving by Brahmaputra

At the lodge that night, the tour manager had arranged for a campfire and bollywood music. Swamiji gave a gift of money to the sherpas on behalf of all of us. Though many of us did not appreciate loud bolly music like “munni badnaam” and “sheila ki jawani” to end such a trip, there was a group of gujarati ladies who were enjoying thoroughly. The sherpas finished off their tasks around dinner and joined them in the dancing and revelry. This carried on till 11pm that night.

22nd June – Kathmandu

Back Towards Zhangmu
We were eager to start off as early as possible. After breakfast we boarded our vehicles for the last leg of the journey. As we headed down from Nyalam towards Zhangmu, trees started reappearing. Soon it was lush green meadows and coniferous trees all around. Apparently it had rained in that area the previous night, the waterfalls and the streams had sprung to life. It was refreshing to breathe in the oxygen rich air of Zhangmu after having spent weeks in the rarefied air of Tibet.
Bhote Kosi
We bid farewell to our drivers with a small gift of money. After clearing the custom formalities we stepped on to the Nepal side and lost no time to change our watches back to IST. There was a wait for about an hour as the passports were stamped at the Kodari border in Nepal and our duffle bags were loaded on top of our bus.
The tour manager had arranged for lunch at a beautiful hotel called Border Line Resorts. Having lost the altitude, our hunger was back. The food was sumptuous, and we ate ravenously as if we had been starving for weeks. The resort provided a splendid surrounding with river Bhote Kosi raging by. There were a number of group photos taken at that spot.
Another three hour drive through treacherous winding roads led us back to Kathmandu. After the rooms were allotted, the first thing I wanted was to get into the shower. I can’t describe the relief it felt to discover modern restrooms after a gap of 15 days.
I reclaimed the bags I had left behind at the Hotel during the onward journey and packed my stuff into it keeping in mind the check in baggage weight limitations. Later on, at the airport the next day, I was to find my packing just right – 20 kg for the check in luggage. They did not check the weight of the cabin luggage, so I was through without having to pay anything extra.


23rd June – Back home

We were up early in the morning and ready to move after a lavish breakfast. Our buses were ready, luggage loaded and we bid goodbye to the tour manager and headed to the airport. We reached New Delhi and it was time to part ways. The Delhi’ites were back home. Some people were to stay at their relative’s place at Delhi for a couple of days. A few others were to board a train or a flight the same day.  I headed for the shuttle bus to transfer to the domestic terminal from where I was to catch my connecting flight back home. After a shared pilgrimage of 15 days which gave us experiences to cherish for a lifetime, we bid adieu to each other and moved our separate ways, with a promise and a hope to meet again at some time, some place.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah, Hari Om Sambhave namah
Om namoh bhagavate Rudraaya
Namaste astu bhagwan Vishweshwaraaya
Mahadevaaya Tryambakaaya Tripurantakaaya
Trikaagni Kaalaaya Kaalagni Rudraaya
Neelakanthaaya Mrutyunjayaaya Sarveshwaraaya
Sadaa Shivaaya Shriman Mahadevaaya Namah
Om Namoh bhagavate rudraaya vishnave mrityorme pahi
Sadaa Shivom
Om shanti shanti shanti:
Hari om tat sat, Shri Ramakrishnarpanamastu

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