Sunday 10 July 2011

Kailash – The Abode of Lord Shiva

Mano budhha ahankaara chittaani naham,
Na cha shrotra jivhe, Na cha ghrana netre,
Na cha vyom bhoomi, Na tejo Na Vayo,
Shchidananda rupa, shivoham shivoham

These verses from Nirvaanashatakam  by Adi Shankaracharya represent the highest truth of the Vedanta.

I am not the mind, nor the intellect, nor the ego (the sense of individuality or identity). 
I am neither the capability of hearing, nor the taste, nor the sense of smell, nor the capability of vision.
I am not the space, nor the earth, nor the fire, nor the air.
My nature is  Truth – Existence, Consciousness and Bliss – I am Shiva, I am Shiva. 

This is the highest state of existence – Aham Brahmaasmi.  Spiritual progress is all about expanding one’s sense of identity to cover everyone and everything around. This starts with feeling oneness with people around you, and gradually expands to cover all beings; and then continues to expand to cover the very concept of existence and consciousness. When one reaches that state, the ego or the sense of identity vanishes; the aspirant experiences oneness with Sat-Chit-Ananda. As stated by Adi Shankaracharya in Dakshinamoorti stotram – “Viswam darpana drusyamana nagari tulyam nijantargatam” – His sense of identity has expanded such that he sees the whole world within him, and what remains outside is only a reflection. Such a person has gone beyond Maya, or ignorance. 

This is not mere theory. The fact that this can be attained and experienced in human life has been proven and scientifically recorded in the life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. That would be the subject of another blog post.

But as long as we retain the sense of individuality – the ahankaara, we cannot realize this state. Till that time we remain under the domain of Maya. Shiva is the highest spiritual concept, but remains external to our being. This allows the Puranas the freedom to describe Him eloquently. He is the Param Gyani, Param Yogi, and we pray to Him that one day we may realize our True Self. 

The all pervading Consciousness is everywhere, but there are certain places on earth where His presence is more strongly felt, even to the untrained mind. These form the spiritual nerve centers on earth. Mount Kailash has been recognized as a spiritual nerve center by four major ancient religions. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Taoism - all venerate this sacred land. 

Hindus hold Mt Kaliash as the abode of Lord Shiva – Devadhidev Mahadev, The Mayadheesh. He is Anaadi - Ananta – one without a beginning or end. He is Mrityunjaya – beyond death. He is Kaalateet - the Timeless one. He is Tridev – the Creator, The Preserver and The Destroyer. After each round of Pralaya comes new Creation. Time is his Creation - he is beyond Time. Space is his Creation – He is beyond Space.  Causation is His Creation – He is beyond causation. He is Advaita – the one without a second. As per the Puranas, Mt Kailash being His abode has His special Presence. 

Manasarovar is a high altitude lake described glowingly in the Puranas. It is said to be most sacred and pure, all the devi devatas come here daily for a bath.  Standing on the bank of this huge pristine blue lake with unceasing icy winds raising unending waves in the water, the beautiful symbolism of Yoga is inescapable. Manas - sarovar: the lake of the mind. Strong winds of vaasanaas or desires are raising continuous waves or vrittis in the mind. Kailashnath, the Lord, is always present next to it. But he is shrouded in clouds most of the time in such a way that his presence is completely concealed. His reflection can be realized in the sarovar of our mind only when the waves of vrittis cease. And it is possible only when He by His infinite Grace removes the clouds of Maya and reveals Himself.

Why does the devotee undertake all the hardships to reach this remote inaccessible spot in the midst of the himalayas? The whole journey is all about trying to get a better feel of the spiritual truths; to get a darshan of Lord Shiva, who sits as Antaryaami in the heart of our hearts; whom we, the jiva, find to be our true identity when the jiva reaches the highest state of spiritual existence. Tat Tvam Asi. Thou Are’t That.

Next >> First Step - Kathmandu


1 comment:

  1. Superbly crafted blog! The choice of the words, and the sacred lines and their explanation, makes even a non-interested to get inspired for a one-time visit to the Kailash Manasarovar!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Bhaskar Ghosh
